Photo Courtesy of Michael Drebert
Access Gallery will be under renovations, so the AGM will be held at the following address: 2078 West 6th Avenue, VancouverAccess Gallery members in good standing are invited to attend the 2017 Annual General Meeting on Monday, July 24, 2017 at 7:00 PM to be held at 2078 West 6th Avenue, as Access itself will be undergoing an exciting gallery renovation (made possible by the generous support of the Province of British Columbia's Collaborative Spaces program). Please join us to review the past year’s programming, operations, accomplishments and challenges, and to discuss Access’s exciting direction for the upcoming year. Members may request the minutes of the 2016 AGM in advance or to receive the minutes of the 2017 meeting if they cannot attend.Access Gallery is a platform for emergent and experimental art practices. Our mission is to create conditions for emergence: we enable critical conversations and risk taking through new configurations of audience, artists and community. Your support is crucial to our organization's continued vitality! If your membership has lapsed, please consider renewing!Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $20. You can become a member by visiting our website: Access Membership *
Image: Michael Drebert during Access Gallery’s Twenty-Three Days at Sea Travelling Artist Residency, May 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Established as an non-profit artist-run centre in 1991, Access Gallery is platform for emergent and experimental art practices. We enable critical conversations and risk taking through new configurations of audience, artists, and community. For more information visit accessgallery.ca
Access Gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and BC Gaming, the City of Vancouver, the Hamber Foundation, the Burrard Arts Foundation, the Contemporary Art Gallery, NSB Reederei, and our committed donors, members and volunteers.