The Downtown Eastside Women's Art Collective (DEWAC) is launching it's third zine on October 12th! Join DEWAC in Access Gallery's PLOT space for a community celebration and sneak peak at the zine. Light refreshments and tunes provided. This event is part of CiTR 101.9FM/Discorder Magazine's series of hosted events.
About the Zine: Last year DEWAC expanded their project to include a zine. The DEWAC zine is a collection of artwork made by artists based out of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. The project, as well as the artist's compensation, has been funded by fundraising events, community projects, and personal or group donations. *Please note that all of the material in this book is the property of the artist. Contact dteswomensartcollective@gmail.com if you would like to know more about a specific piece or contributor.
The Downtown Eastside Women's Art Collective is a community based, volunteer-run organization. They facilitate bi-weekly art workshops for trans and cis women, two-spirit individuals, and non-binary folks out of the Carnegie Community Centre art room. For more information please check out their website: https://eastsideartscollective.wordpress.com/ or Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Downtown-Eastside-Womens-Art-Collective-694940033877357/timeline/?ref=hl
IMAGE: Taken by DEWAC member, Serena Lee. Serena won the 2017 DEWAC photo contest, and her photo is the cover of the 2019 DEWAC zine.