Image Courtesy of Jayce Salloum
Other Sights at Access Gallery
222 East Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC
An evening of deep listening with Elisa Ferrari and Stacey Ho.
Activities include a sound walk and sonic meditation. Inspired by the work of Pauline Oliveros, CA Conrad and Bernadette Mayer, we will explore rituals and instructions as a means of scoring fruitful play. The evening will end with the collective writing of a graphic score.
In association with her investigations at The Foreshore, artist-in-residence Guadalupe Martinez will be hosting a series of events, this being the last in the series.
Born in Italy, Elisa Ferrari is an artist and curator living on unceded Coast Salish territories. She works with archival fragments of text, image, and videography to consider the act and implications of retrieval, in projects that manifest through installation, performances, artist books, sound walks and photography. Ferrari holds a BFA from the University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV) and a MAA from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD). Since 2013 she has served as Events and Exhibitions Coordinator/Curator at VIVO Media Arts Center and as member of Crista Dahl Media Library and Archive Committee. She is an active member of the Vancouver Soundwalk collective and is part of - - a sound performance collaboration with John Brennan.
Stacey Ho is an artist, writer, and curator living on unceded Coast Salish territories. Her practice considers intersections of culture, history, and embodied experience from a feminist perspective. With a background in photography and performance art, her art often incorporates language, sound, gesture, and everyday objects. She has recently presented her work at Art Metropole (Toronto), Galerie oqbo (Berlin), and RAM Galleri (Oslo). This month, she will take part in Dar’a: Full Circle, a group exhibition curated by Jamelie Hassan at Artcite (Windsor). She is presently working on a novel about plants and robots.
The Foreshore is a year-long collaboration between Access Gallery and Other Sights’ for Artist Projects inspired by the deep influence of the waterways on our cities and societies on the West Coast.
The Foreshore is a place of unclear jurisdiction, and thus of contestation, friction, and constant movement. Those who dwell in this zone must continually adapt to a changing environment. The foreshore also conjures histories specific to this region: narratives of trade and exchange, habitation and nourishment, resistance and violent erasure. It might similarly evoke our contemporary lived situation in this place. Considering the potential of this zone as both concept and site, The Foreshore initiative asks the following: how do we generate conditions of emergence? How can we take up space differently? How do we support unruly practices and futures?
Other Sights for Artists’ Projects is a non-profit arts organization that develops new and unexpected exhibition platforms outside of the gallery context. Other Sights collaborates and shares resources with organizations and individuals to present artworks that consider the aesthetic, economic and regulatory conditions of public places and public life. For more information visit othersights.ca
Other Sights gratefully acknowledges the support of the British Columbia Arts Council, The Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 15, and private donors without whom this project would not be possible.
Established as an non-profit artist-run centre in 1991, Access Gallery is platform for emergent and experimental art practices. We enable critical conversations and risk taking through new configurations of audience, artists, and community. For more information visit accessgallery.ca
Access Gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and BC Gaming, the City of Vancouver, the Hamber Foundation, the Burrard Arts Foundation, the Contemporary Art Gallery, NSB Reederei, and our committed donors, members and volunteers.