Tobias Ewé presenting “The Heat Death of the Nonsense Verse” at the PLOT space in early June
Considering the eventual heat death of the universe, three concepts reveal themselves: entropy, time, and the unknown. In this proposed final state of the universe, heat dissipates until all temperatures flatline and differences between hot and cold can no longer be exploited to do work. On a smaller time-scale, anthropogenic climate change functions similarly to the heat death of the universe through its myth-creation of a teleological end time. In this speculative talk, Tobias Ewé draws out the auto-production of noise to show how nonsense and sound reveals otherwise occulted futures.
Tobias Ewé is a sound artist and theorist. He is writing a Ph.D. on xenophonia in the Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory at University of British Columbia. His research focuses on psychoacoustics in the sonic arts as the crossroads between vibrational inhumanism and speculative aesthetics that destabilise the human sensorium. His most recent work appears in Handbook of the Anthropology of Sound (2019), ed Holger Schulze, London: Bloomsbury; Xenofeminisme: En politik for fremmedgørelse (2018[2015]), by Laboria Cuboniks, trans. Tobias Ewe, Copenhagen: Passive/Aggressive. He is a founding member of the Research in Art & Media collective, and University of Copenhagen's Sound & Senses Research Group.
Photo taken by Caitlin Chaisson