Flyer Cyclops Dreams
23 Jul to 20 Aug 2005
Opening Reception July 22nd at 8 pm
Zine Trade and Magic Show August 12th at 8 pm
As we head into the haziest days of summer, Access ARC invites you to take refuge with Cyclops' Dreams, a massive group exhibition showcasing the varied products of do-it-yourself independent publishing. Organizers Cook and Plummer have compiled hundreds of books, comics, and zines from an international call for submissions and their own extensive "Cyclop Library." Housing this giant collection, the gallery will be transformed into a peaceful summer reading room, with a wide variety of cool and cozy offerings to entertain the most harried summer traveller.
Additional attractions include tiny, handmade zines for sale from the Bubble World vending machine (last spotted at the sorely missed Blinding Light Camera), and a night of magic tricks and zine trading on August 12th. Another in the growing number of regional and national book shows that showcase the diversity of DIY publishing, Cyclops' Dreams is filled with ample amount of humour, ingenuity and, above all, independent thinking.
A workshop at the Strathcona Community Centre for school-age youth will also accompany this exhibition.