Alina Senchenko, from Dislocation Series, silver gelatin print, 2013. Courtesy of the artist.
14 to 27 Mar 2015
At Access Gallery & Avenue
Opening Reception: Friday, March 13, 2015, 7:00 PM (at both venues)
Sporadic performances throughout the duration of the exhibition will be given by Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Emmalena Fredriksson, Isabelle Kirouac, Alexa, Mardon, Erika Mitsuhashi, Layla Mrozowski, Ashley Whitehead (at Access Gallery)
Closing Reception and Publication Launch: Friday, March 27, 2015, 7:00 PM (at both venues)
With performance by Anchi Lin & Cydney Paddon, 8:00 PM (at Avenue)
Guided Walkthroughs:
Saturday, March 14, 2:00 PM (meet at Access)
With co-curator Lyndsay Pomerantz
Saturday, March 21, 2:00 PM (meet at Access)
With co-curators Erin DenHartigh and Sarah Seburn
Establishments, institutions, public areas, domestic spaces, even ephemeral situations carry with them protocols with which we are asked to comply as we encounter, enter, or pass through them. Our contemporary understanding of “protocol” is as “an official procedure or system of rules governing affairs or behaviours.” However, early definitions of the term—a provisional draft, a working manuscript—imply the opposite. This project is sited within a triangular space in Vancouver’s Chinatown: at Access Gallery, Avenue (a grass-roots artist-operated space engaged in cultivating experimental art practices), and the space in between. Investigating this expanded space as a grey area (an interstice, a draft, a hybrid form), the works of Mallory Amirault, Loes van Bruinessen, Rikke Goldbech, Fernanda Gutierrez, Jennifer Juba, Anchi Lin, Candice Okada, Felix Rapp, Alina Senchenko, Christian Vistan and Jacobo Zambrano address, navigate through and reconfigure our assumptions of the term “protocol" in institutional, domestic, urban, social and political spaces, as well as through those of the art world itself.
This project is collaboratively curated by Matias Armendaris, Erin den Hartigh, Matthew DeWetter, Kathryn Dobbin, Elsa Falkmann, Julia Dahee Hong, Emma Metcalfe Hurst, Dana Kearley, Karine Lang, Ingrid Olauson, Titiana Peng, Jon Peters, Lyndsay Pomerantz, Sarah Seburn and Noah Spivak, students of Emily Carr University of Art and Design’s AHIS 401 Topics in Curatorial Projects seminar who, in realizing a project of this nature, must also contend with their own forms of curatorial constraints and protocols.
Access gratefully acknowledges the support of The Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of BC through the BC Arts Council and BC Gaming, the City of Vancouver, Burrard Arts Foundation, our donors, members and volunteers.