21 Sep 2009 to 23 Jan 2010
Opening Reception: 20 November 2009, 8 PM
Closed for the holidays from 15 December - 5 January
Continuing with our body of programming that focuses on the lives of objects, ACCESS presents Ellipsis, Toronto-based artist Roy Meuwissen’s first exhibition in Vancouver. Ellipsis, a new, site-specific project created for ACCESS, begins with the familiar, our own tile flooring. The artist takes the motif and displaces it within the installation through photography, print, textile, video and a magic trick. Through this series of translations the artist directly engages the structures of the gallery by continuously reanimating the space.
The exhibition is accompanied by a limited-run print multiple featuring the essay “Carpets,” from Vilém Flusser’s 1999 book The Shape of Things, reprinted with thanks to Reaktion Books, UK.
Born in the Netherlands, Roy Meuwissen immigrated to Canada in the early 1980s. He studied at the Alberta College of Art and Design before receiving his MFA from the University of Windsor. He was recently invited to the Banff Centre for the Arts to participate in a residency led by German art critic Jan Verwoert. The artist would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council for their generous support through their exhibition assistance program. www.roymeuwissen.com
ACCESS gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, City of Vancouver, our members and volunteers for their ongoing assistance. ACCESS is a member of the Pacific Association of Artist Run Centres (PAARC).