Published by: Access Gallery
Edited by: Kimberly Phillips, Director/Curator
Book - $10.00 CA
ISBN - 978-0-9866688-9-0
Running alongside or adjacent to the exhibitions, the publication series Far Away So Close features meditations by a diverse grouping of further artists, thinkers, and writers who have been invited to respond―however obliquely―to the ideas and concerns that underlie the exhibited works. Far Away So Close: Part III includes written contributions by the Vancouver-based writer, Steffanie Ling, as well as Alutiiq artist Tanya Lukin Linklater.
Steffanie Ling is a is a writer, mostly. Her essays, criticism and art writing have been published alongside exhibitions, in-print and online in Canada and the United States. She is the editor of Bartleby Review, an occasional pamphlet of criticism and writing in Vancouver, and a curator at CSA Space. Currently, she is writing a book of letters and stories that weigh in on banality, social awkwardness and smoking.
Tanya Lukin Linklater's practice spans experimental choreography, performance, video, and text. Her work has been performed/exhibited internationally, and her poetry and essays have been published in numerous journals and catalogues. She studied at University of Alberta (M.Ed.) and Stanford University (A.B. Honours). She was awarded the K.M. Hunter Artist Award in Literature in 2013. Linklater is Alutiiq with family from the Native Villages of Port Lions and Afognak in southern Alaska and makes her home in northern Ontario, Canada.