Care Package for sale as part of Take Care initiative, 2022
Good news is on the way.
At a crossroads? Looking into a foggy future? The GOOD FORTUNE box is on the way, and it’s here to help clarify your questions, support your rituals, and conjure guidance… and some snacks for the journey.
The GOOD FORTUNE box is a part of Access Gallery’s Take Care Fundraiser. $100 each, the box includes a curated collection of art, objects, snacks, and more from Access Gallery’s Board of Directors + Staff. Boxes are limited edition. All proceeds contribute to the financial health of our organisation.
Buy your box before 16 December 2022 in order to meet holiday shipping deadlines.
The GOOD FORTUNE box includes:
Tiny Potted Something by Ed Spence
Limited Edition Access Publication
Ritual Candles by Jocelyne Junker
Altar Cloth by Jocelyne Junker
...and several more surprises
TAKE CARE packages can be mailed or picked up at Access Gallery. Shipping not included.