Installation of Conditional Belonging at Access Gallery, 2021 (photo: Rachel Topham Photography)
Join us at the closing reception of Conditional Belonging to celebrate with the exhibiting artists, curator, and Access community. There will be a screening of the new short documentary Shadows We Cast by Art Action Earwig during the event. Chinese subtitles by Yilin Wang and English captions are available.
To maintain a better public health practice, there will be two entrances/seatings in the evening: 7-8pm, and 8-9pm, with a maximum of 25 people per entrance. The screenings will take place at 7:30 and 8:30pm.
Register here To RSVP. Please only RSVP to one entrance/seating.
We kindly ask those who haven’t been vaccinated or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms not to attend this event. Following clarification of provincial health orders, we may be checking BC Vaccine Cards. Masks are required to enter the gallery.
Non-alcoholic beverages will be available free of charge, and we ask that you please only remove your mask when actively consuming your drink.
Hope to see you there!