Access Gallery closed our doors to the public in March in order to support efforts to "flatten the curve" of COVID-19. In April we made the decision to postpone our spring exhibition to the fall. Turning inward during this time has allowed us to focus on the slow and thoughtful planning required of us in this uncertain time; to prioritize our mental and physical well-being; to model responsible community care; and to ensure the safest execution of our future programming. We are learning from our peers in the arts and business community, and putting protocols in place that will help keep us and our community safe. Following a previously planned artistic leave for the Director/Curator in August, Access will reopen to the public in September.
Our next exhibition is Anna Binta Diallo's Wanderings, a version of which is currently on view at the Waterfront Station as a public art project in partnership with Capture Photography Festival. We're so thrilled to share Diallo's work, and look forward to hosting you in the fall.
We truly miss gathering with you all, and like you, we face the fatigue of this four-month isolation, but we believe it is important for each of us to adjust our lives where we can in order to reduce the impact of this ongoing pandemic. Wearing masks and staying socially (or rather, physically) distant is an act of solidarity and care for those who still face high risk with COVID-19—those who work in essential services, aren't able to or supported in working from home, face economic or housing barriers, those for whom self-isolation isn't a safe option, and more.
If you feel able to support Access over the summer, please consider donating, purchasing a tote bag (featuring Punchline by Elizabeth Milton) or publication, or join as a member.
We look forward to seeing you when we can gather safely. Until then, reach Katie by email, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on social media.