ARTS ASSEMBLY in residence in PLOT, 2018
6 Jun to 31 Aug 2018
We are pleased to announce ARTS ASSEMBLY as our forthcoming guests in PLOT! Holding tenure from June 16 - August 31, 2018, ARTS ASSEMBLY will facilitate reading groups, workshops and artistic research in their temporary administrative and programming space within Access Gallery.
As a part of their tenure in PLOT, ARTS ASSEMBLY will host workshops, reading groups, and public events as a part of Common Ground | Uyuşma Temeli, a collaborative project with Istanbul-based halka sanat projesi and m-est.org, with a performance work by Sasha Langford. Focused on international concerns around spatial precarity, the project seeks to establish resistance and innovation through fostering long term transnational bonds and systems of support in the face of common challenges. Programming dates will be announced through our social media streams and on our website.
Additionally, ARTS ASSEMBLY will host COLLECTIVE RECKONING: SESSION 2, on June 10, 2018. COLLECTIVE RECKONING is a joint project between UNIT/PITT and ARTS ASSEMBLY in the wake of socially driven calls to address sexual harassment, violence and trauma that disproportionately impacts womxn identified and non-binary folks. Through a series of open forums, discussions and resource sharing, COLLECTIVE RECKONING hopes to not only tangibly address these issues within our creative community, but to foster long term accountability and change.
ARTS ASSEMBLY is a not for profit community-centric arts organization that emphasizes artistic collaboration. Co-directed by Bridgette Badowich and Meichen Waxer, it was co-founded in 2016 by Brynn McNab and Meichen Waxer. With a focus on social practices and research, they aim to foster relationships between the community and professional artists, hoping to expand the notion of what art can be and do, and provide a high calibre of diverse and inclusive arts programming. ARTS ASSEMBLY seeks to fairly compensate artists for their work and research, and acknowledge womxn’s leadership in the creative community. They encourage work that doesn’t necessarily end in a product to be sold, but rather builds relationships between communities, allows for in-depth research, and creates unique experiences.